Our Services
Proactive Responses when dealing with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
For over two decades, Kevin McGuire has developed a solid reputation for assisting organizations in effectively and proactively meeting the standards prescribed by ADA regulations. Through skilled consultation, training and problem solving, McGuire Associates, Inc. has supported a wide range of corporations and institutions. Besides being retained to work on federal, state and city-mandated regulations, the firm also addresses critical issues which the Department of Justice (DOJ) deems important when investigating possible ADA violations:
Policy Development
Policy controls action… informed corporate policies control company actions by setting standards. McGuire Associates, Inc. can assist your company in developing policies in a broad range of areas including:
- Drop off/pickup/parking
- Ticket sales
- ADA Best Practices
- Segway & Service Animals
- ADA policies for venue leasing
For over two decades, McGuire Associates, Inc. has trained hundreds of corporate executives, managers, supervisors and front line employees. Sensitivity, positive attitudes, awareness and commitment to action are critical to a successful and significant response to the ADA. We prepare your company to respond proactively to ADA regulations through:
- ADA-related evaluation and implementation training for management
- ADA/disability sensitivity training for all employees
- Captioning training
Be prepared… procedures guide action and appropriate, efficient corporate responses are critical in addressing the needs of patrons and employees with disabilities. McGuire Associates, Inc. develops, implements and monitors critical ADA-related procedures, including:
- Emergency evacuation plans
- Accessibility feature maintenance
- Access service centers within venues
- Assistive devices
What is your message? Communicating effectively, accurately and appropriately around disability issues, internally and with the public, is absolutely essential. McGuire Associates, Inc. can assist you with:
- Creating and distributing disability access material
- Production and distribution of company materials in Braille, enlarged print, audio tapes, CD-ROM and computer disks
Public Relations
How do you build public confidence in your services and your intentions? McGuire Associates, Inc. develops outreach programs, builds community networks, and creates opportunities for organizational-community interaction by:
- Acting as a liaison with the Department of Justice, organizations for the disabled, and disabled individuals.
- Developing and implementing outreach programs for children and adults with disabilities.
- Providing venue construction tours for the disabled community
- Identifying appropriate wheelchairs and medical/adaptive equipment for patrons and employees with disabilities
Electronic Technology Applications
How technologically savvy is your organization? Recent advances in computer and electronic technology can assist you in complying with ADA regulations. McGuire Associates, Inc. has the know-how and experience to identify, develop and implement appropriate technology applications in your work setting, including:
- Accessible web sites for blind/visually impaired and hearing impaired customers and patrons.
- Multichannel assistive listening devices
- Telecommunication devices for the deaf and hard of hearing (TTYs)
- MOPIX technology for adaptive theater experiences for the patrons who are blind or hearing-impaired
- MEG (Museum Exhibit Guide) technology for adaptive museum experiences for the sensory-impaired visitors.
For more information about how McGuire Associates can help your company, please use the contact form below